That's the real lesson to be learned here today...
So yesterday I spent the latter half of the day out in Scandia MN at Rich and Kathy's place (or Adam's Dad's house). Let me just tell you to be certain that next time you think spending the afternoon Kayaking and swinging from a rope won't completely sap you of energy, think again. It turns out that doing these things uses muscles on your body that your BODY hasn't even heard of, and they cause you pain. This is their purpose. These muscles were created specifically for: Kayaking, rope swinging, and pain. Lot's of pain.
This is why I want to buy a Kayak.
I don't care that I don't live on a lake, that I don't go camping as much anymore, that this will introduce me so a whole new type of pain, or that apples come in three different colors. I want one. It's easy to transport and store, and I live in MN where there's always a lake just around the corner. So I looked up pricing, expecting much smaller $numbers for a piece of molded plastic. Something like $150 to $200 would be ideal. Doesn't that sound right? It did to me. But instead, I found prices ranging from $350 to $1200, and still getting higher. What is that about? I could buy a PS LĂ–MSK for $70, ALSO molded plastic, and THAT even comes with a retractable shade.
But, I guess that's just the going rate for Kayaks, and I'm going to have to suck it up and shell out some real cash if I want to realize my dreams. My dreams of being on a lake in my very own brand-new Kayak. So, for now I'll just enjoy some wine by the fire and wait while the money rolls in.
Which it does, money just can't WAIT until it gets to me.

That's all for now. More to come later.
Best pictures ever.
This is a comment, apparently they aren't working.
is is a comment too, hopefully this one works.
And it did.
Yet another test to make sure this works. If you try to make a comment and you aren't sure it worked, shoot me an email too just in case so that I can fix it.
Indeed, I asked my Dad how he got that kayak for 130 bucks, he said that he bought it used from a guy down the street.
Also, I'm putting that picture up on my site, I'm just really impressed with how well it turned out (if that's okay).
This is something that is alright. Of course.
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