Friday, September 26, 2008


See more Sarah Silverman videos at Funny or Die

Yippee! The debate rages on! How very American of John to decide that debating as a running Presidential candidate was a better idea than contributing nothing to a room full of people who weren't expecting him to show up. I'm proud of him.
And I'm excited to watch.

Speaking of being a United States citizen:

I witnessed this man yesterday at a gas station in downtown St. Paul. This proud American took the words "gas station safety" and replaced them with comedy, dangerous, and patriotism(because it gave me such a huge feeling of pride for my country to watch him do this, not that this doesn't happen in other countries). He's a badass. When I arrived I watched this man get out of his car with a lit cigarette in his mouth, step right up to the pump and proceed to grab the gas nozzle, which he promptly stretched over to the far side of his car where the gas cap was located. It didn't reach, the first time. This is where I snapped the picture, hoping that if he blew us up, or my phone blew us up, somebody would have picture evidence and think that they know who to blame. Luckily, when he discovered it didn't reach, his car was still running, so he set the nozzle down on the ground and shimmied his car just a little bit closer as you can see here. By the time I finished filling my own car, our antagonist was on his cell phone, car still running. Clearly this man knows better than everyone else since the gas station didn't blow up, and if I know anything about science: that right there is foolproof evidence. I know, I know, I grabbed my cell phone while I was at the pump, I guess it was just a dangerous day there at that gas station. But I'd rather like to think that I was just a small contributor to that danger.

Has everyone seen this yet? Pretty fun to watch, and it makes me glad those dolphins can find something fun for themselves AND the crowd all by themselves.

Also: in case you haven't seen or heard of it: Letterman was upset over some political issues.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Several things, not a one of them is terribly important though:

Super Chuck Norris Bros Video Game

I'm real disappointed that the first Presidential debate may not happen this Fri, no thanks to John McCain. In case you haven't heard: Mr. McCain made a request of the Obama camp that the first Debate be postponed in light of this recent indecision in the White House over the current status of our banking system, despite the fact that people involved in this decision making process have told both presidential elects that they're not needed there in DC(some even went so far as to say that their presence would only be a nuisance, what with all the media coverage and all, and it might just slow things down even more). What's even funnier about this whole situation is Johnny's flip flopping last week about his stances on: not only his take on this banking bailout, but the condition of the whole fucking economy itself. I guess he would have called me one of those whiners he was talking about a short time ago.
In any case: I'm really looking forward to watching those debates. So, I really hope that they happen...
Aaron: I'm sure that someone MUST have put together a mashup of McCains plans for our economic future as a country. I'll bet that it's;
a: animated(poorly), and
b: that it's mildly funny.
If not, that may be a fun project for a film editor such as yourself.

I've been experimenting with wierd ways of taking pictures with my old POS 6.0 MP vivitar digital camera through various apparatuses:

These were taken through the viewfinder of an old digital camera pictured on the floor in picture 2 above. Hopefuly I'll think of something neat to do with the old 3mp sans viewfinder.

These two were taken through a lens I picked up at Axemans Surplus this weekend for a few dollars. I haven't experimented with it a WHOLE lot but it so far has afforded me macro shots that the camera cannot otherwise handle, with a very narrow depth of field.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Beat my high score...

It was important to me, okay?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

You heard it here first.

Some games are fun. Some are just addicting, and some are both. It's called Gravity Hook, and my high score is 1021m as you can see in this handy picture I have provided for your amusement.
So please do your best to do better than my current high score. Shouldn't be too hard, I mean you may wind up with nice case of the need-a-shower-head-itches-cause-my-wife-kicked-my-jobless-carpel-tunneled-ass-out before too long, but all the same: it shouldn't be too hard.

I've been keeping my eye on quite a few areas of the internets for my election2008 news but I've just recently stumbled upon(but not literally, in the Firefox sense of the words) a website called the Jed Report, which basically just keeps me informed of the issues important to myself in this political race.

Is that selfish?

Check it out