Sunday, September 21, 2008

You heard it here first.

Some games are fun. Some are just addicting, and some are both. It's called Gravity Hook, and my high score is 1021m as you can see in this handy picture I have provided for your amusement.
So please do your best to do better than my current high score. Shouldn't be too hard, I mean you may wind up with nice case of the need-a-shower-head-itches-cause-my-wife-kicked-my-jobless-carpel-tunneled-ass-out before too long, but all the same: it shouldn't be too hard.

I've been keeping my eye on quite a few areas of the internets for my election2008 news but I've just recently stumbled upon(but not literally, in the Firefox sense of the words) a website called the Jed Report, which basically just keeps me informed of the issues important to myself in this political race.

Is that selfish?

Check it out

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