And that topic WILL be covered in the future, rest assured.
In fact, hold your breath.
At 6:00am sharp, this morning, I opened up a fresh, 1lb 4oz box of Cheerios,

Do you know what pain is?
By 4:00pm I had finished the contents and was breaking down the large box to fit into the waste receptacle. This decision to eat the entire box before the day was through was made rather ad-hoc and improperly this morning, seeing as though my plan was to go for a good run after work, given this nice weather. Which is just what I went and did anyway, right after work. I went for a run.
Now, at this point, here is where my lesson was learned. Not very well mind you, but it was learned nonetheless.
Do not try to go out for a run, whatever the weather is like, after spending the day eating a Sam's-Club-size box of Cheerios. Just don't do it. This same rule should probably also apply to just about any cereal box of the same size. This is something I can tell you for certain.
What's probably worse is, I tried to run through the pain. I had a terrible side ache, and I guess I'm too stubborn to let it get the best of me. So I ran with that side ache for the better part of 15 minutes, which can seem like an eternity, especially when you're out in Grant county running north towards miles and miles of nothing on the Gateway trail. This is definitely a horrible idea. You can now learn from my ignorance.
In other news, I have here some pictures of the future apartment in St. Paul. These are taken from Adam's cell phone so don't get too excited about how great or shitty they are.
Click on them for amazing times.
Do you know Matt Basta's cell phone number?
The slanted mirror intrigues me.
My cell phone is a cell phone of the future. It is of the future.
Your sideache is of the past.
I'll have you know that picture of the dining room is my desktop. So much for making the time go quickly.
But it's already the 19th. Not long now.
That place is, and will be awesome.
I took all these pictures with my government mind lasers. GWAR!
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